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You’ll receive an email to your inbox shortly letting 
you know what to do next. Good luck!


You can contact your interviewing advisor via phone or email. Once you’ve submitted your information, you’ll receive the direct phone number and contact information for future communications.

English is the preferred language for all applications.

We prefer you to apply for the job you feel will give you the most satisfaction. We’ve found that passion drives results and want you to share our passion for Pocket Plan.

You can prepare for your interview by reviewing the job description and identifying specific experiences that relate to the job. For instance, if you are in charge of coordinating events, but only have experience in the travel industry, we’d like to hear about your challenges and ability to find solutions.

Focus on presenting your best self for our interview. We want you to be comfortable with us so that you can be honest with us and true to yourself.

Yes we will let you know via email once a job position is filled.

The application deadlines are when we stop accepting applications for the job. We typically make a hiring decision a few weeks after the application deadline.

Yes, please provide work samples if they are valuable to the job description.

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Disclaimer: Pocket Plan and Pocket Planner Inc don’t offer financial, tax, investment or legal advice. Future outcomes are for illustrative purposes only. Contact a financial professional before taking action.

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Columbia, MD 21045

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