New Account Walk Through

nathan garcia cfp

Nathan Garcia

Maximize Your Financial Decisions with Pocket Plan

• Pocket Plan simplifies financial management and decision-making by
organizing all your financial data in one place.
• You can log in securely with your Google or Apple ID to gain access to
features such as two-factor authentication.
• The dashboard is your starting point to track your financial well-being,
model future outcomes, and test different investment scenarios.
• Add your financial accounts, including 401k, IRA, crypto wallet, checking,
and banking accounts, to Pocket Plan via Plaid.
• You can also add offline accounts that you don’t want to have regular
updates for.
• Pocket Plan supports Ethereum-based securities and will soon add Bitcoin
to its list of supported securities.
• You can find professionals to help you with opening new accounts or
making adjustments to your investments in the Advisors section.
• You can submit a help ticket if you need assistance with any part of the

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