Board of Directors

nathan garcia cfp

Your personal board of directors will help you answer questions about your most important financial decisions. These specialists can guide you based on your goals. Using their experience they can speak to the impact of decisions and alternatives. Their domain expertise elevates your wellbeing. When they partner across industries for your goals, they can be unstoppable.

If you consider that four of the richest people in the world all come from the same family, Walmart, then you can appreciate the value of planning.

Use your Board of Directors to overcome your biggest challenges on an annual basis. Who is on your board is up to you, but here is who we suggest you should start with:

Tax Advisor
Can you legally reduce your taxes and when does it make sense? Your CPA or CFO may help you with tax planning. This could include specific steps like opening accounts and business valuations. Your tax advisor can help you stay current on tax laws and legislative opportunities.

Insurance Advisor
How big of an impact will different events have on your wellbeing? Identity theft, loss of income or life should be as brief as possible with full recovery value for any loss. Your insurance advisor should provide context for your budget, loss potential and goals.

Estate Attorney
Your estate should be viewed as the ability to control and own assets for as long as possible. As such, the laws that guide how property is transferred require a record of your intentions and all parties involved. Beyond legal requirements, your estate attorney can provide tax planning and investment guidance.

Investment Manager
Your investment manager may provide analysis and transact with investments. Investment managers can help with your 401(k), real estate, business or other dealings. The investment can be specific holdings or your entire portfolio. Your investment manager should compliment your personal strategy along with that of your tax, insurance, estate and other advisors.

Wealth Advisor
Your wealth manager can help coordinate your big picture strategy. This includes tying the tax planning, investment, insurance and estate strategy into a single overall measure of success. You should feel comfortable speaking with your wealth advisor frequently and about different topics including long term goals. 

Pocket Plan helps provide a single Plan that each of your directors can coordinate with. This is a current and accurate view of all your accounts. Delivered in an easy to use format that can be shared with one director or the whole team. You control who has access and for how long.   

Whether you have to decide on accepting equity at a new company, or need help with tax planning before selling your business, Pocket Plan can help you. Quickly connect accounts and schedule a call with our concierge team. We’ll listen to your desired outcome and set an appointment with the specialist who can help you the most.  

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