Is Pocket Plan Safe?

Your financial data is secured on an encrypted network with multi touch security. Data is kept as view only and includes limited personal information.
nathan garcia cfp

Nathan Garcia

Is Pocket Plan Safe?

Data security is an important feature in any app that is accessing financial data. In order to trust the app you must be able to verify that your data is secure. That is why Pocket Plan gives data security the highest priority with an encrypted environment and military grade systems that protect your privacy.

In this article you’ll learn:

  • How Pocket Plan keeps your data secure using a multiple touch environment 
  • How you can add additional security to your accounts
  • Where to go if you need help

Data security is the ability to keep your information private and accessed only by those with the appropriate permission. We also deem access logs important in our environment where clients can connect with multiple advisors where they share and revoke their Pocket Plan data.

Pocket Plan Account Connection

What Data Does Pocket Plan Access? 

Pocket Plan Aggregates your account data across multiple accounts including your transactions and balances. This data is provided through a third-party provider, plaid. Pocket Plan’s relationship with Plaid allows us to have limited view only access to your transactions and Account Details so that you can share that information with Pocket Plan.


Advisor Disconnet Mobile Confirmation

We do not have the ability to make any changes to your account including your personal details, wire or request money or buy or sell securities.

In order to update your account we use an encrypted key with time limited view only access through a secure network.


How Does Pocket Plan Keep My Data Safe? 

Pocket Plan uses multiple techniques advised by the leading cyber security experts and software companies in the world. In addition to daily network scans and penetration testing, some of our security environment details are listed below. If you have specific questions related to your account, you can submit a ticket here.

Secure Access Points

Pocket Plan uses secure network nodes to access and transfer data. This ensures that your data is handled securely via an encrypted network. This includes features such as SSL, TTL and other access controls. 

Multi Factor Authentication

Multiple Factor Authentication is a helpful verification tool to add an additional step that increases the chances that the account is being accessed by the correct user. If you sign on with your Google Or Apple ID your account may have Multi Factor Authentication provided by Google or Apple.

If you don’t already have 2 Factor Authentication on your Google Account you can learn how to add that here.

To adjust your Apple Two Factor Authentication click here.

In addition to using multi factor authentication for your login, your financial accounts will also use multi factor authentication when they are added for the first time. This is a feature that is typically offered by your institution, but if you don’t have it, it’s not a bad idea to add it to your account. Two factor authentication can usually be turned on in the Settings and Security option in the Profile section of most applications.

Permission Access Request

Before your account can be shared with an advisor, you must approve the link to share information. Once you have approved the link, then the advisor will be able to see which data you have allowed them to see in your Pocket Plan.

This permission can be removed by going to Menu > Connections.

Once you are on the menu page you can disconnect from an advisor. After the advisor is disconnected they can no longer see your Pocket Plan.

Account Removal

Your financial accounts can be removed from your Pocket Plan. Once your accounts have been removed the data will no longer be updated in the plan. Existing data will remain in the Pocket Plan. To remove any accounts or data email 

Advisor Removal

You can disconnect from a financial advisor by going to Menu > Connections. From their you will be given the option to disconnect. Before disconnecting, there will be a Confirmation Screen to continue.

After an advisor has been disconnected, they will no longer be able to access your Pocket Plan. To share any data or Scenarios, you’ll need to connect with the advisor again.

Who Can Access My Data?

Your Pocket Plan account can be accessed via:

  • Google Sign On 
  • Apple Sign On 
  • Email 

If you share your account login information then the individual will be able to use your account to view your Pocket Plan, connect with advisors and add accounts.

Pocket Plan has view only access to your account information, but does not store your Account Number or Social Security number in your profile. This limits the ability to use your Pocket Plan for harm. 

Google Sign In Pocket Plan
Spousal LInk Iphone 13

Spousal or Partner Access
You can give your spouse or partner access to your Pocket Plan by inviting them to the plan. To do so email subject: Add Spouse. Include their email, name and phone number.

Advisor Access

You can invite an advisor to view your Pocket Plan and collaborate on Scenarios. Your advisor will not be able to make any changes to your accounts or Pocket Plan. Advisors do not have any account number or social security numbers. They also can be removed by going to Menu > Connections.

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